
Always The Way

  • Original painting by Jenan McClain
  • This textural artwork measures 37.5″ x 49.5″
  • Artwork is ready to hang in a warm gold frame
  • Currently exhibiting at The Grand Bohemian Hotel in Charleston

“Always the Way”
When I broke open 
I was unable to 
Burrow in 
Protective shells,
I climbed over 
Walls that grew softer,
My walks became longer,
And my eyes-
They lingered in 
In momentary 
Comforts like 
Colorful birds
Bold stars,
Laughing hearts-
Easing the grief 
Of the younger 
Child saddling 
My soul.  
I stood in 
The shame,
And acknowledgement- 
The rejection 
I had zipped 
In a backpack,
Carried on 
My shoulders,
Like two boulders 
Finally Collapsing 
From the weight,
Repaving my fate,
I could no longer 
Linger in oppression,
My soul shifted direction,
And sometimes there 
Were no landmarks,
No rest stops,
And I-
Imagined I was 
A frontier, discovering 
New lands,
Fields that
Shared soft winds 
Which kissed 
My lost lips
With smiling honeysuckles. 
I found an 
Internal compass 
And when it 
Failed in direction,
It seemed 
The right ones 
Came along,
Led me back 
To my own 
Northern Star-
Not as far 
As I thought,
She was right 
There and the 
Only one that 
Could ever love
My broken.  

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